The mount Royal cheerleading team rocks. We have been through so much this year. Everyone has had their emotions challenged
at least once(yes this is a good thing, it makes you a stronger person) and we keep charging through it and we also
keep coming back stronger and stronger. This year has been my first year and it has been tough, sounds like it's been a lot
tougher then previous years (why does that always happen to me, like in Voyageurs last year was my first year). I love our
team though, and everyone who is on it. I also love our coaches, especially Mrs.Hein who is in a way a mother figure
to me because she is my friends mom. She has made this year even more better and exciting. I don't know if I could have done
it without her, I probably wouldn't have even been on the team without her. I Love this team <3!


Cheerleading is quite exciting. You get all these different types of people, who normally wouldn't know each other, coming
together for this team. Cheerleading isn't all about clapping your hands and yelling, it also involves challenging
your self, sometimes both physically and emotionally. It's hard work depending on how determined you are to
win. You learn so many skills and gain so many friendships, even more so then other sports, because you are constantly only
working with the people around you, instead of such as basketball where you are often practicing only your own skills.
Cheerleading is one of the best things I have experienced during highschool.

Here are our results from our competitions, and then some more "cheer" shout outs..
Our first competition was BRIT, but we were doing a demo. (because we weren't near to how far we are able to achieve)
We also did a demo at cities.(because we had lost three people the day before, so we had to adjust our routine)

Our next competition was Mustang Mania. We were the only one in our category so we won first place. Our team seemed not
to entertain the crowd as well as we could of, but our routine was awesome!

Last weekend we had Edmonton, and we totally rocked! I think it was our best performance, and at least my best, because
we were really ready and seemed to have fun and were comfortable. We got 2nd (there was only one other group in
our category though).

Tomorrow is our last competition. We are going to Regina for provincials. We are going to rock the mats, lol. We have
lost three people but are going to do great <3. We just have to go and cheer our a**es off! Go Royal :)


Here are some "cheer" shout outs... hehe, to all me cheerbuddies (I'll add actual text later..
sorry)(excluding paragraphs on Meagan, Nicole, Melissa, Brett and Tonelle, because they are on the other page)...
