Hey my babes and chickies... my sexy biatches, models, athletes, nerds, christians, cheerleaders and asians... lmao,
love you all <3<3
Hey here's some shout outs to some of my good friends...

Hey, this is Me, Megan and Nicole at the BRIT competition 05-06. Shout to Megz. My buddy, always had
so much fun at ur kareoke and game nights, lol. And taking like a hundred pictures when you were redoing ur kitchen. lol.
You're an awesome cheerleader, and hope to be on the team with you for years to come <3. Nicole, my
sexy 90% legs. She's another cheer buddy, love cheering with you, you never put me down and understand how I feel. Remember
the chicken on the side of the road in Banff? That was the first time I really got to know you, and I know that we will get
plenty of more time to get to know eachother. Luv ya <3

It's Jessica! My Sun Shine! I will always remember and miss the days in coco 10! lol. I love your attitude,
although it can be a bit uh.. out there. lol. Though that's what makes you you, and I love it about you. I remeber meeting
you for the first time, in the girls change room, lol. We were then phys ed buddies all semester. well ttyl, Hope the best
for you and Trevor, you two are great together. Bye <3

Little Miss Michele.. oh my nerdy little friend, *tear* "But I didn't do 12!"lol, love the [Beatle] bangs
by the way. I still remember the first day I met you... like the first or second day of highschool, lol. Still little Frosh
girls. I was always so annoyed that both you and Brendan always, ALWAYS had a better mark then me! lol. Your so smart, and
athletic, and totally awesome. You seem to be always happy, yet not like phsyco like Jessica, lol. *hugs and Kisses* <3

Little Chelsey! lol, "Did you cut your hair?!" lol. We've had a few good laughs, mostly with me just rammbling
on about nothing, lol, something I'm very good at. I absolutely love your style, it's something that only you could pull off,
and I totally respect that. Like look at your hat ^^, that is totally hott! oh yes, and I leave the hair touching to I believe
it was Darren, lol. xoxo <3

Hey Hollie! Lol,. you little snot. I always remember last year and how what we thought about each other
aren't even true. I don't know why but how you wore your hair just made me think you were a total snot? But I really like
your hair now, I love the colour!. I'm so sorry I can't come to your birthday, and that you failed your licence, lol, even
though that it was hilareous (TWO wheels!!) Though I can't wait to cruiz around with you and go out for lunch. Grr, I want
my pen back, lol. Well your totally awesome and I love the twist of country you have going on, and your dog, with his wipping
tail. Luv ya, xoxo my Coco chicky <3... Aww I miss Coco10, it was so fun, and full of gossip, but at least your my gr.10
period five buddy(Coco, guitar). (Last year it was Ashley for period three).


This is Ashley and Samantha at Rylys: Samantha, Known u for like ever, so many memories, lol. We really
gotta hang out together more, feels like I havn't seen ya forever. Lol, but I'll always love my little asian-nerd-slut-'ER'
buddy. lol, luv ya, hope to talk to ya soon <3 Ashley. We've been great friends since gr.2, don't ya
miss the good ol' days? Ha! Not really. lmao. But there has been some great memories, and sad, and scary (last summer, that
dog, Oh God). lol, everytime we get together there are always something to laugh about, or some hott guy to grope at... is
grope the right word I'm thinking of? anyways. Luv ya girl, talk to ya soon <3

Hey this is Melissa and Bret. Melissa, my actual cheerbuddy. Wow your annoying some times, lol, but
sometimes I really appreciate your attitude. You always try to help me with my stunts. It was usually really fun being in
cheerleading with you, (even if I seemed to annoy u) like during football "yeah go sexy!" "what did you say?!" lol. well I'll
be missin' ya, you big-time senior, ttyl <3. Bret, Loved being in cheerleading with you, never made
too big of a deal about it. Always had fun chattin' with you and you always poking me and calling me ali-gator. Of course
I'll miss ya, come back and visit.
Oh my little aexy model Sammy(Samantha), lol, I'l always remember all of our good times when we were little,
though it was always so dramatic lmao. I love partyin' with you, though it is so extremely hard to wake you up after you've
been drinking. lol. Looking forward to gettin' together with you soon.. my previously known as 'Baby Spice' Luv ya <3

Hey Sarah! My work out buddy! (Sorry I didn't have you on before, I didn't really have any pictures
of you on my computer or cell, but now I have this one^ yeah!) You are totally awesome, I love your attitude and your sense
of humor. I can't believe your dating Brendan, lol. sorry, he's not all that bad. Just be prepared for the silent treatment
if/when you break up. lol. Aww you little uh.. gemini, lol, I should stay away from you, lol. Though I never can for
long, because of that killer cowgirl style you got. I love the Dixie Chicks. and Truck got Stuck. I actually saw the video
to that the other day. Well I love ya, your awesome, and so is hemmy. xoxo. <3

Contara and Rachelle. My two ditchers, who totally left me to rot and die in Saskatoon! Contara, you'll
always be one of my best friends, even though we have both totally changed and are different people, I think we both get that
and are willing to try to really get along during the time that we have together. lol, we'll always have so many memories
of our childhood, lol, and how we always made each other so angry. Like every time that you hung up on me! lmao. and every
time I would try to over explain everything to you, while your like "yes Ali I know!" lol. Rachelle,
I didn't really seem to get too much of a chance to know you, since we didn't know each other for that long, though I'll always
remember your adorable cat, and how like almost the first night I had him and I thought I lost him, but he was actually under
the coach, because the side fabric wasn't stapled on, and I didn't know about that, so he was actually under there. And how
you named your kitten after me. That was so sweet, hope to see you soon. Bye <3

Hey little Tonelle! My little gr.9 trainie... even though this is also my first year in cheerleading...
still your younger than me so it works. lol, you and Richard! Ha, oh our little Howard Coad-ians! I'll remember how much of
a snot you were in elementary, and how different you are, I actually enjoy talking to you now, especially about all of our
old elementary teachers, lol. Now you can be my pepper spray friend. It's quite sad that both of our first year had to
be so hard, we were put through like everything! gosh, but of course we never stop! lol, xoxo <3